My mother, who hates to travel, recently went on a trip to
Washington D.C. with her brother (my uncle).
My mother has a very old cell phone that doesn’t get voicemails and
still says “Cingular wireless” on it. My
uncle not only has an iPhone, he has about four power banks on him at any one
time to ensure that his phone is always available and always charged up. They went to Washington D.C. together and my
mother called it the “look it up” trip because every time they went to a museum
or tourist attraction my mother would inevitably ask some kind of question
(i.e. what happened to Bessie Colman?) and my uncle would take out his nifty
iPhone and look up the answer (Bessie Colman was the first female African
American pilot and she had to relocate to France in order to get her pilot’s
license because she was not allowed to get one in the U.S.). It’s interesting considering their two very
different interactions with hand-held media because while my uncle had the
correct tools and access to look up additional information that wasn’t
available in the museum tours/signs, it was my mother who was more interested
and curious about getting and wanting more information.
I thought of my mother’s trip and the role that technology
played in it when I was reading Jenkins’ The
Cultural Logic of Media Convergence.
I wonder what Henry Jenkins might think of my mother and her aversion to
upgrade her technology? Jenkins comments on the perceptions of old and new
consumers. There seems to be an overwhelming assumption that those who resist
transition and remain “old consumers” are doomed to be left behind and fail to
create or be involved with potential meaningful change (pg. 37-38). While this does seem to be the case to a
certain extent with our ever increasing attachment to screens and our ever
decreasing resistance to the harvesting of our data, I wonder truly if things
will continue in this trend or perhaps turn into a different direction? For instance, my mother is of the generation
that heavily protested the Vietnam War, she marched for Cesar Chavez’s United
Farm Workers union, she was involved in the Chicano movement within Los Angeles
and she always says that back when she was young, the start up was difficult
but the execution was more powerful because people who had to do the work to
seek out organizations and movements that they were passionate about were more
invested. Comparing that to the contemporary
atmosphere where people can put up a Facebook post about their outrage at this
system or that, but the moment is temporary and it’s fleeting. That’s not to severely generalize, because
that’s certainly not true for all cases because as we’ve seen Facebook can be
the catalyst for revolutions. However, I
think the problem comes from the conglomeration of mainstream media ownership
that Jenkins points to as his second trend in media environment. Although it’s much easier to “connect” today
via internet media, it’s also more difficult to make changes because mainstream
media keeps resistant thoughts on the periphery. We are currently in the longest war we have
ever (in the history of ever!) had and it just seems to me, if new media like
blogging were truly as impactful as Jenkins sort of gives it credit for, why
can’t we seem to make the types of changes that were possible forty years ago?
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