In the network of
shared ideas and assumptions, feminism is perceived as a politically and
academically charged term unwelcoming to men and other general populations
possessing limited knowledge on this topic. In a post-feminist climate
operating within a neo-liberal social structure, female subjects are expected
to perform individuality by mastering “self-monitoring practices” by investing
in commodified self-care products such as “self-help guides, personal advisors,
lifestyle coaches and gurus…” (McRobbie 260). Television is unfortunately
complicit in promoting this apolitical self-reliant culture through the flow of
advertisements inundating spectators with visuals of human subjects buying into
the notion of assembling the ideal self from a package of fragmented pieces of
expectations. What does it mean when media presents women as assuming more
complex roles and users of social media taking those representations as the
ultimate achievement for gender equity? For instance, a few months ago, an
online movement where women expressed their need for feminism prompted many to
share their thoughts and reflect on why more conversations are necessary. At
the same time, some women argued against feminism, claiming that their autonomy
and positive interactions with men was sufficient enough to make of them independent
productive citizens. As Banet-Weiser writes, framing gender issues within a
popular cultural framework threatens to dismiss those concerns and present them
as post-feminist (207).
of post-feminist ideology are visible in certain televisual genres. Sexualized
advertisements become modes of post-feminist female empowerment and individualism;
Victoria Secret undergarments are hidden tools of success and independence.
Another slippery subject would be the commodification of feminist ideologies in
the media by celebrities who capitalize on emerging fads. In fact, even bell
hooks is critical of certain public personas on television and music labeling
themselves as feminists because they do not necessarily adhere to hooks’ notions
of what it means to be a feminist. However, to be neutral, one must consider
the generational differences between the feminist movements and understand that
previous efforts are not adaptable to the multiple feminisms operating
simultaneously. In taking the Mary Tyler
Moore show as an example, the political climate of the 1970s and the
feminist movement of that time embodies a particular movement of independence
and the need for recognition. In a broad address here, that feminist movement
worked towards placing women within male dominated structures. Today, the
feminism on television is particularly different than previously experienced in
the past decades. In shows such as How to
Get Away with Murder, a more complex reading of feminism presents itself in
analyzing the intersections of race and class. Unlike the feminism of the
1970s, one of the contemporary approaches to feminism seeks to question the
role of women in systems of power. Even today, conflicting notions of feminism
unfold in the media and women are making choices in how to lead their lives and
question the systems of oppression. Contemporary feminisms on television are in
conflict with post-feminist ideas, but as these differences are acknowledged,
the more complex conversations can there be in the public sphere.
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